Human Resources
Welcome! to the Pascagoula-Gautier School District's Human Resources page.
PERS is now accepting the Pre-Application for retirement at the end of this school year (2025).
If you plan to retire in school year 2024-2025, please contact Cindy Hardy (Brister) at 228-938-6515 now. We need to set an appointment date to complete the Pre-Application for Retirement. At this appointment, you will need the following documents: social security card, valid driver's license or birth certificate and the social security number and date of birth of at least two individuals you may list as a beneficiary. See the PERS website Public Employees Retirement System of Mississippi for seminar dates and registration information. We strongly encourage employees to attend a meeting with PERS about 2 years before becoming eligible to retire.
Deferred Compensation
Learn more at: Mississippi Deferred Compensation Plan
New Educator Information System: Mississippi Career Continuum Archive (MECCA) System
Click Here to Access MECCA
MECCA Account Registration User Guide
Licensure Guidelines K12
Contact Cindy Hardy, 228-938-6515 or [email protected], with questions.
Human Resources, ManagerCindy HardyPhone: (228) 938-6515 [email protected]
Responsible for: Contracts, Supplements, Family and Medical Leave Act, MS Ed. License Renewal, Retirement
Human Resources, AssistantDarea Salters
Phone: (228) 938-6506 dsalters@pgsd.msResponsible for: Active Resources, Job Postings, Employment Verification, Change of Name/Address, New-Hires, Fingerprinting
Bookkeeper, PayrollMeagen Smith
Phone: (228) 938-6202 [email protected]Responsible for: Active Resources, Direct Deposits, Salary Verifications, Payroll, Time-Keeping/Payroll Processing, Donated Leave
Bookkeeper, Employee BenefitsNadia Granadino
Phone: (228) 938-6510 ngranadino@pgsd.msResponsible for: Health, Life, American Fidelity Information, Worker's Compensation