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Pascagoula-Gautier School District

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Board of Trustees

There are five members that make up the Pascagoula-Gautier School Board. Two are elected from the City of Gautier, where each must reside in that district; and three are appointed from the City of Pascagoula. Members serve five-year terms.

All school board meetings, work sessions, and committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Mississippi  Code except for specific sessions (called Executive Sessions). The board, the superintendent, the school board attorney and appropriate staff members may meet to discuss bargaining agreements.

The superintendent is appointed by the school board and has administrative authority for the direction and operation of the school system under policies adopted by the school board.

school board meetings

The five members of the Pascagoula-Gautier School Board of Trustees are, from left, Mr. Kleon Irving, Mr. Matthew Johnson, Mrs. Tracy Jackson-Wilson, Mrs. Cynthia Black, Mr. Jerry Jackson, and Mr. Kelly Sessoms, far right, serves as PGSD School Board Attorney.