AUP / Internet Safety / Chromebook Responsibility
Acceptable Use Procedures / Internet Safety Policy
Every member of the Pascagoula-Gautier School District is required to read the District's Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP) and District Internet Safety Policy (DISP) once each school year and adhere to the procedures/policies contained. In addition, each member is required to complete a Statement of Assurance (SOA) that they have read, understood, and will comply with the District's Policies and Procedures. The Statement of Assurance can be found below.
Se requiere que cada miembro del Distrito Escolar de Pascagoula-Gautier lea los Procedimientos del Uso Aceptable y La Póliza de Seguridad de Internet del Distrito una vez al año escolar y que se adhiera a los procedimientos/pólizas que contienen. Además, cada miembro tiene que completar una Declaración de Garantía, asegurando que ha leído, entendido, y aceptado cumplir con las pólizas y procedimientos del Distrito. La Declaración de Garantía se encuentra abajo.
Internet Safety Resources and Links
The following links will take you to sites over which the Pascagoula Gautier School District has no control. PGSD assumes no responsibility for the content of the material contained at these sites or for the accuracy of any information that is found there. The contents of any site or link not maintained by the PGSD does not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of the District, its Administration, Teachers or staff. | | | |
Common Sense Media | |
Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Information - Privacy, Identity, and Online Security | |
Federal Trade Commision: Spanish Version | |
Wired Safety | |
AT&T Safety Game | |